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WSUS Neuling

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Mitglied seit: 26.01.06
Neue Produkte & Klassifizierungen
26.01.06 um 09:02:01
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Hi das hab ich auf ner anderen Website gefunden:

Today you will see a new product category and update classification in your WSUS Synchronization Options dialog. Windows Defender, formerly Microsoft Windows AntiSpyware (Beta), will as of today’s synchronization show up as a new Windows product category. A new update classification will also come on line called “Definition Updates”. Currently Windows Defender is only released as part of a VISTA beta release. Definition Updates will only be available to beta participants from the Microsoft Update site, with Vista Windows Defender Beta installed. Windows Defender beta will be available to down level clients, and Definition Updates available via WSUS in the coming months. As with CodeName Max, when new product updates are released to MU, their categories and classifications also appear on the corresponding WSUS options dialogs. Unlike CodeName Max, Windows Defender Definition Updates will be available to synchronize to WSUS servers and approve for installation on clients in the coming months. For right now no Defination Updates for Windows Defender will be available from MU to WSUS servers.

To learn more about the Windows Defender Vista beta see: (Du musst Dich Einloggen oder Registrieren um Multimediadateien oder Links zu sehen).. Visit the Windows Defender team blog for the latest news on Windows Defender and Definition Updates availability via WSUS at (Du musst Dich Einloggen oder Registrieren um Multimediadateien oder Links zu sehen)..

Desweiteren wurde als Produkt der Internet Security and Accelaration Server aufgenommen. Derzeit wird die Version 2004 unterstützt!!
Gruß Dussel
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