Normales Thema WSUS Port ändern (Gelesen: 2696 mal)
WSUS Neuling

I Love WSUS!

Beiträge: 3
Mitglied seit: 10.04.08
WSUS Port ändern
10.04.08 um 10:19:44
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Hallo Leute, ich habe eine sehr dringende Frage: Wie ändere ich den internen Port von WSUS, also den den die Clients benutzen? Ich muss einen Updateserver einrichten, leider funktioniert dieser nicht und ich glaube dass das daran liegt, dass die ports die selben sind. Ich bin echt schon am verzweifeln, da das morgen fertig sein muss und ich nirgendwo im Internet hilfe finden konnte. Sollte diese Frage hier schon einmal beantwortet worden sein, entschuldige ich mich und bitte um einen Link.

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Microsoft MVP

Beiträge: 15147
Mitglied seit: 11.02.07
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: WSUS Port ändern
Antwort #1 - 10.04.08 um 10:59:46
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In den Optione > Assistent für WSUS-Konfiguration aufrufen und anpassen.

Welche Fehlermeldungen bekommst Du auf den Clients in der WindowsUpdate.log? Poste doch mal die letzten 20 - 30 Zeilen. Evtl. liegt der Fehler ja ganz wo anders.
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WSUS Neuling

I Love WSUS!

Beiträge: 3
Mitglied seit: 10.04.08
Re: WSUS Port ändern
Antwort #2 - 10.04.08 um 12:38:17
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     Service      ** START **  Service: Service startup
2008-04-10      10:37:10:310       820      7fc      Service      *********
2008-04-10      10:37:10:310       820      7fc      Agent        * WU client version 7.0.6000.381
2008-04-10      10:37:10:310       820      7fc      Agent        * Base directory: C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution
2008-04-10      10:37:10:310       820      7fc      Agent        * Access type: No proxy
2008-04-10      10:37:10:310       820      7fc      Agent        * Network state: Connected
2008-04-10      10:37:55:585       820      7fc      Agent      ***********  Agent: Initializing Windows Update Agent  ***********
2008-04-10      10:37:55:585       820      7fc      Agent      ***********  Agent: Initializing global settings cache  ***********
2008-04-10      10:37:55:585       820      7fc      Agent        * WSUS server: <NULL>
2008-04-10      10:37:55:585       820      7fc      Agent        * WSUS status server: <NULL>
2008-04-10      10:37:55:585       820      7fc      Agent        * Target group: (Unassigned Computers)
2008-04-10      10:37:55:585       820      7fc      Agent        * Windows Update access disabled: No
2008-04-10      10:37:58:199       820      7fc      Agent        * Found 3 persisted download calls to restore
2008-04-10      10:37:58:369       820      7fc      DnldMgr      Download manager restoring 3 downloads
2008-04-10      10:37:59:140       820      7fc      Agent        * Successfully loaded 3 persisted download calls.
2008-04-10      10:37:59:170       820      7fc      DnldMgr      Retrieved 4 persisted download jobs
2008-04-10      10:37:59:170       820      7fc      DnldMgr      ***********  DnldMgr: Restoring download [no. 0]  ***********
2008-04-10      10:37:59:180       820      7fc      DnldMgr        * BITS JobId = {7CB2BC5E-B553-448C-836C-639197DE815D}
2008-04-10      10:37:59:180       820      7fc      DnldMgr        * ServiceId = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}
2008-04-10      10:37:59:210       820      7fc      DnldMgr        * UpdateId = {46EAB511-9028-4E42-B0E0-D5A72A5D0E12}.100
2008-04-10      10:38:04:468       820      7fc      DnldMgr        * Restored download job.
2008-04-10      10:38:04:919       820      7fc      DnldMgr      ***********  DnldMgr: Restoring download [no. 1]  ***********
2008-04-10      10:38:04:919       820      7fc      DnldMgr        * BITS JobId = {48ECBA6A-87BE-4D52-8CAC-BEDFC1AAADA0}
2008-04-10      10:38:04:919       820      7fc      DnldMgr        * ServiceId = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}
2008-04-10      10:38:05:199       820      7fc      DnldMgr        * UpdateId = {FC11FC3E-3E06-4251-BCF9-C46222B9E926}.106
2008-04-10      10:38:05:800       820      7fc      DnldMgr        * Restored download job.
2008-04-10      10:38:05:850       820      7fc      DnldMgr      ***********  DnldMgr: Restoring download [no. 2]  ***********
2008-04-10      10:38:05:850       820      7fc      DnldMgr        * BITS JobId = {AA143689-339E-460A-9F9C-AD2012585A83}
2008-04-10      10:38:05:850       820      7fc      DnldMgr        * ServiceId = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}
2008-04-10      10:38:06:110       820      7fc      DnldMgr        * UpdateId = {4DD2F904-52F9-4866-99AB-12E37623900A}.102
2008-04-10      10:38:06:371       820      7fc      DnldMgr        * Restored download job.
2008-04-10      10:38:06:411       820      7fc      DnldMgr      ***********  DnldMgr: Restoring download [no. 3]  ***********
2008-04-10      10:38:06:411       820      7fc      DnldMgr        * BITS JobId = {9FE4CAEE-B2DF-4CBC-9EBA-9E11FE865F57}
2008-04-10      10:38:06:411       820      7fc      DnldMgr        * ServiceId = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}
2008-04-10      10:38:06:471       820      7fc      DnldMgr        * UpdateId = {B746CE49-8054-4E6E-865A-DB442BE9952A}.103
2008-04-10      10:38:06:761       820      7fc      DnldMgr        * Restored download job.
2008-04-10      10:38:06:791       820      7fc      AU      ###########  AU: Initializing Automatic Updates  ###########
2008-04-10      10:38:06:841       820      7fc      AU        # Approval type: Scheduled (User preference)
2008-04-10      10:38:06:841       820      7fc      AU        # Scheduled install day/time: Every day at 3:00
2008-04-10      10:38:06:841       820      7fc      AU        # Auto-install minor updates: Yes (User preference)
2008-04-10      10:38:07:102       820      7fc      AU        # Reconnecting download for 3 updates
2008-04-10      10:38:07:122       820      7fc      AU        # Reconnected 3 pending download calls
2008-04-10      10:38:07:152       820      7fc      AU      Setting AU scheduled install time to 2008-04-11 01:00:00
2008-04-10      10:38:07:172       820      7fc      AU      AU setting pending client directive to 'Download Progress'
2008-04-10      10:38:07:262       820      7fc      AU      AU finished delayed initialization
2008-04-10      10:38:17:997       820      7fc      Report      ***********  Report: Initializing static reporting data  ***********
2008-04-10      10:38:17:997       820      7fc      Report        * OS Version = 5.2.3790.2.0.131344
2008-04-10      10:38:19:430       820      7fc      Report        * Computer Brand = Dell Computer Corp.            
2008-04-10      10:38:19:430       820      7fc      Report        * Computer Model = PowerEdge 350                  
2008-04-10      10:38:19:480       820      7fc      Report        * Bios Revision = TR440BXA.86B.0045.P17.0109240937
2008-04-10      10:38:19:480       820      7fc      Report        * Bios Name = Core BIOS Release 7.0         
2008-04-10      10:38:19:480       820      7fc      Report        * Bios Release Date = 2001-09-24T00:00:00
2008-04-10      10:38:19:480       820      7fc      Report        * Locale ID = 1031
2008-04-10      10:38:20:221       820      bd0      DnldMgr      ***********  DnldMgr: Regulation Refresh [Svc: {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}]  ***********
2008-04-10      10:38:20:221       820      bd0      DnldMgr      Contacting regulation server for 3 updates.
2008-04-10      10:38:20:661       820      bd0      Misc      Validating signature for C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77\wur
2008-04-10      10:38:21:252       820      bd0      Misc       Microsoft signed: Yes
2008-04-10      10:38:21:933       820      bd0      DnldMgr      Regulation server path: (Du musst Dich Einloggen oder Registrieren um Multimediadateien oder Links zu sehen)..
2008-04-10      10:38:22:173       820      7fc      AU      WARNING: AU found no suitable session to launch client in
2008-04-10      10:38:25:418       820      bd0      DnldMgr        Per-Update: 4dd2f904-52f9-4866-99ab-12e37623900a at rate 0
2008-04-10      10:38:25:418       820      bd0      DnldMgr        Per-Update: 46eab511-9028-4e42-b0e0-d5a72a5d0e12 at rate 0
2008-04-10      10:38:25:418       820      bd0      DnldMgr        Per-Update: b746ce49-8054-4e6e-865a-db442be9952a at rate 0
2008-04-10      10:38:25:418       820      bd0      DnldMgr        * Regulation call complete. 0x00000000
2008-04-10      10:38:25:418       820      bd0      Service      WARNING: GetUserTokenFromSessionId failed with error 800704dd for session 0
2008-04-10      10:38:25:418       820      bd0      Service      WARNING: GetUserTokenFromSessionId failed with error 800704dd for session 0
2008-04-10      10:38:25:418       820      bd0      DnldMgr      Regulation: {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} - Update 4DD2F904-52F9-4866-99AB-12E37623900A is "PerUpdate" regulated and can NOT download. Sequence 9067 vs AcceptRate 0.
2008-04-10      10:38:25:418       820      bd0      DnldMgr      Regulation: {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} - Update 4DD2F904-52F9-4866-99AB-12E37623900A is "PerUpdate" regulated and can NOT download. Sequence 9067 vs AcceptRate 0.
2008-04-10      10:38:25:428       820      bd0      Service      WARNING: GetUserTokenFromSessionId failed with error 800704dd for session 0
2008-04-10      10:38:25:428       820      bd0      Service      WARNING: GetUserTokenFromSessionId failed with error 800704dd for session 0
2008-04-10      10:38:25:428       820      bd0      DnldMgr      Regulation: {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} - Update B746CE49-8054-4E6E-865A-DB442BE9952A is "PerUpdate" regulated and can NOT download. Sequence 9067 vs AcceptRate 0.
2008-04-10      10:38:25:428       820      bd0      DnldMgr      Regulation: {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} - Update B746CE49-8054-4E6E-865A-DB442BE9952A is "PerUpdate" regulated and can NOT download. Sequence 9067 vs AcceptRate 0.
2008-04-10      10:38:25:428       820      bd0      Service      WARNING: GetUserTokenFromSessionId failed with error 800704dd for session 0
2008-04-10      10:38:25:438       820      bd0      Service      WARNING: GetUserTokenFromSessionId failed with error 800704dd for session 0
2008-04-10      10:38:25:438       820      bd0      DnldMgr      Regulation: {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} - Update 46EAB511-9028-4E42-B0E0-D5A72A5D0E12 is "PerUpdate" regulated and can NOT download. Sequence 9067 vs AcceptRate 0.
2008-04-10      10:38:25:438       820      bd0      DnldMgr      Regulation: {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} - Update 46EAB511-9028-4E42-B0E0-D5A72A5D0E12 is "PerUpdate" regulated and can NOT download. Sequence 9067 vs AcceptRate 0.
2008-04-10      10:38:25:438       820      bd4      AU      AU checked download status and it changed: Downloading is paused
2008-04-10      10:45:50:939      3716      d68      Misc      ===========  Logging initialized (build: 7.0.6000.381, tz: +0200)  ===========
2008-04-10      10:45:50:959      3716      d68      Misc        = Process: C:\WINDOWS\system32\rundll32.exe
2008-04-10      10:45:50:959      3716      d68      Misc        = Module: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuapi.dll
2008-04-10      10:45:50:939      3716      d68      ARP      Connected to update session.
2008-04-10      10:45:50:959      3716      d68      ARP      User is allowed to install published content.
2008-04-10      10:45:52:251      3716      d68      ARP      Managed service NOT found.
2008-04-10      12:11:25:662       820      3b4      DnldMgr      ***********  DnldMgr: Regulation Refresh [Svc: {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}]  ***********
2008-04-10      12:11:25:712       820      3b4      DnldMgr      Contacting regulation server for 3 updates.
2008-04-10      12:11:27:164       820      3b4      Misc      Validating signature for C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77\wur
2008-04-10      12:11:27:475       820      3b4      Misc       Microsoft signed: Yes
2008-04-10      12:11:27:725       820      3b4      DnldMgr      Regulation server path: (Du musst Dich Einloggen oder Registrieren um Multimediadateien oder Links zu sehen)..
2008-04-10      12:11:31:941       820      3b4      DnldMgr        Per-Update: 4dd2f904-52f9-4866-99ab-12e37623900a at rate 0
2008-04-10      12:11:31:941       820      3b4      DnldMgr        Per-Update: 46eab511-9028-4e42-b0e0-d5a72a5d0e12 at rate 0
2008-04-10      12:11:31:941       820      3b4      DnldMgr        Per-Update: b746ce49-8054-4e6e-865a-db442be9952a at rate 0
2008-04-10      12:11:31:951       820      3b4      DnldMgr        * Regulation call complete. 0x00000000
2008-04-10      12:11:32:011       820      3b4      DnldMgr      Regulation: {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} - Update 4DD2F904-52F9-4866-99AB-12E37623900A is "PerUpdate" regulated and can NOT download. Sequence 9067 vs AcceptRate 0.
2008-04-10      12:11:32:011       820      3b4      DnldMgr      Regulation: {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} - Update 4DD2F904-52F9-4866-99AB-12E3
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Microsoft MVP

Beiträge: 15147
Mitglied seit: 11.02.07
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: WSUS Port ändern
Antwort #3 - 10.04.08 um 12:47:03
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Dieser Server hat keinen WSUS in der GPO: * WSUS server: <NULL>
RSOP.MSC auf dem Client zeigt dir an, welche GPOs ankommen. Jetzt sind mehr Informationen von Deiner Seite nötig um zu helfen. Ist das ein Server in einer Windows Domain? Wenn ja, wurden die Einstellungen für den WSUS via GPO vorgenommen? Erzähl mal ein bisschen.
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WSUS Neuling

I Love WSUS!

Beiträge: 3
Mitglied seit: 10.04.08
Re: WSUS Port ändern
Antwort #4 - 10.04.08 um 13:38:37
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Ja, der Server ist ein domain controller und in der Domäne sind 4 Mitglieder. Ich habe die GPOs meiner Meinung nach richtig eingestellt, aber wie ich grade sehe ist davon nichts auf dem Clientrechner angekommen. Ich habe sie zwar schon angewendet (über die Konsole) aber auf dem Client sehe ich den Teil von den Updates nicht. Was kann ich da machen?

Edit: Okay, erster Fehler behoben. Die GPOs waren falsch konfiguriert, ich habe vergessen den Port 8350 hinter den Servernamen zu schreiben. Trotzdem sehe ich immer noch keinen Client in der WSUS Konsole.
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Microsoft MVP

Beiträge: 15147
Mitglied seit: 11.02.07
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: WSUS Port ändern
Antwort #5 - 10.04.08 um 15:30:11
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Hast Du die GPOs mit der GPMC erstellt? Und auch korrekt verlinkt? So wie hier beschrieben: (Du musst Dich Einloggen oder Registrieren um Multimediadateien oder Links zu sehen).

Kommen die GPOs mittlerweile bei den Clients an? Was sagt RSOP.MSC auf einem Client? Fehlermeldungen im Eventlog auf den Clients?
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