set-executionpolicy RemoteSigned
$WsusServer = ([]::GetHostByName(‚localhost‘)).hostname
$UseSSL = $false
$PortNumber = 8530
$TrialRun = 0
# 1 = Yes
# 0 = No
# Deliver the results by email
Function Mailer
$emailTo = „empfänger@domain.tld“
$emailFrom = „absender@domain.tld“
$subject=“WSUS – Abgelehnte Updates vom WSUS: “ + $WsusServer
$smtp=new-object System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)
$Message = @“
$IA64_counted Itanium updates wurden abgelehnt
$Office64_count MS Office 64-Bit wurden abgelehnt
$LanguagePack_counted Language Interface Packs wurden abgelehnt
$LanguagePackW10_counted Language Pack – Windows 10 wurden abgelehnt
$LPW10InsiderPreview_counted LanguagePack – Windows 10 Insider Preview wurden abgelehnt
$LiPW10InsiderPreview_counted LanguageInterfacePack – Windows 10 Insider Preview wurden abgelehnt
If ($TrialRun -eq 1)
$Subject += “ Trial Run“
$smtp.Send($emailFrom, $emailTo, $subject, $message)
# Connect to the WSUS 3.0 interface.
[reflection.assembly]::LoadWithPartialName(„Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration“) | out-null
$WsusServerAdminProxy = [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.AdminProxy]::GetUpdateServer($WsusServer,$UseSSL,$PortNumber);
# Searching in just the title of the update
# Itanium/IA64
$itanium = $WsusServerAdminProxy.GetUpdates() | ?{-not $_.IsDeclined -and $_.Title -match “ia64|itanium”}
$IA64_counted = $itanium.count
If ($itanium.count -lt 1)
$IA64_counted = 0
If ($TrialRun -eq 0 -and $itanium.count -gt 0)
$itanium | %{$_.Decline()}
# MS Office 64-Bit
$Office64 = $WsusServerAdminProxy.GetUpdates() | ?{-not $_.IsDeclined -and $_.Title -match “Excel|Lync|Office|Outlook|Powerpoint|Visio|word” -and $_.Title -match „64-bit“}
$Office64_count = $Office64.count
If ($Office64.count -lt 1)
$Office64_count = 0
If ($TrialRun -eq 0 -and $Office64.count -gt 0)
$Office64 | %{$_.Decline()}
# Searching in just the title of the update
# Language Pack
$LanguagePack = $WsusServerAdminProxy.GetUpdates() | ?{-not $_.IsDeclined -and $_.Title -match “Language Interface Pack”}
$LanguagePack_counted = $LanguagePack.count
If ($LanguagePack.count -lt 1)
$LanguagePack_counted = 0
If ($TrialRun -eq 0 -and $LanguagePack.count -gt 0)
$LanguagePack | %{$_.Decline()}
# Searching in just the title of the update
# Language Pack – Windows 10 –
$LanguagePackW10 = $WsusServerAdminProxy.GetUpdates() | ?{-not $_.IsDeclined -and $_.Title -match “Language Pack – Windows 10 -”}
$LanguagePackW10_counted = $LanguagePackW10.count
If ($LanguagePackW10.count -lt 1)
$LanguagePackW10_counted = 0
If ($TrialRun -eq 0 -and $LanguagePackW10.count -gt 0)
$LanguagePackW10 | %{$_.Decline()}
# Searching in just the title of the update
# LanguagePack – Windows 10 Insider Preview
$LPW10InsiderPreview = $WsusServerAdminProxy.GetUpdates() | ?{-not $_.IsDeclined -and $_.Title -match “LanguagePack – Windows 10 Insider Preview”}
$LPW10InsiderPreview_counted = $LPW10InsiderPreview.count
If ($LPW10InsiderPreview.count -lt 1)
$LPW10InsiderPreview_counted = 0
If ($TrialRun -eq 0 -and $LPW10InsiderPreview.count -gt 0)
$LPW10InsiderPreview | %{$_.Decline()}
# Searching in just the title of the update
# LanguageInterfacePack – Windows 10 Insider Preview
$LiPW10InsiderPreview = $WsusServerAdminProxy.GetUpdates() | ?{-not $_.IsDeclined -and $_.Title -match “LanguageInterfacePack – Windows 10 Insider Preview”}
$LiPW10InsiderPreview_counted = $LiPW10InsiderPreview.count
If ($LiPW10InsiderPreview.count -lt 1)
$LiPW10InsiderPreview_counted = 0
If ($TrialRun -eq 0 -and $LiPW10InsiderPreview.count -gt 0)
$LiPW10InsiderPreview | %{$_.Decline()}
Mailer |